Credit Calculator - How To Use
Click the buttons that apply to your submission.
If your mouse hovers over the little blue information box, it will display tips and sometimes examples for that option.
For this example, I will be using this art here:
I begin clicking all the options that apply to my drawing:
As you can see, I didn't have a background, so I checked the 'NO SCENERY' option in the 'Scenery' field.
It is important to add the Discord message link, so we can check the submission. ​This feature is available for each message under "More" (...):
Once you are all done, you will get a receipt at the bottom of the page. You will need to copy this and paste it in the channel #earn-credit like so:
Because I wanted to provide proof for the 'social media bonus', I linked the URL to my dA submission instead of just linking the message with my art on Discord.
After your receipt is looked at by a mod, they will react with a check mark to let you know they updated your credit amount in your inventory.
To see your inventory click here.