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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I participate in older, inactive events?

Yes. Although there are some exceptions.

You will not be able to earn "free" Digivolution unlocks and other items upon event completion (you will need to purchase those from the shop with credits).

You can still earn an event credit bonus, please use the 'inactive event' option when filling out the calculator.

Do I have to do events while I'm in the group?

You do not have to do events. Members are more than welcome to come up with their own path for their characters within the group as long as they are true to the lore of Digimon City.

We only ask that you earn your Digivolutions through unlocking them with credits.

Is the group connected to the original Digimon series?

Nope! We wanted to pull away from that as much as possible and do something new. That being said, we still pay homage to the original series in fun little ways.

How is time within DC affected?

Time still moves on in a linear sense, but many objects such as material goods are bound to faulty coding that are subject to glitching. Things invented in 2000 and onward can not be recreated while on the islands, as there is no data on those items.

Ok, so are the Retro Islands in the real or Digiworld?

After the Y2k crash, it is both. That may sound confusing, so let me explain.

Think of the world as having three layers.
The real world as an outer layer.

The barrier that separates the real and Digital world, as the middle layer,

and the Digital World as the inner layer.

In our story, the middle layer has a hole ripped into it the shape of our island, and the inner layer is bleeding into the outer.

If you have ever played The Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess, DC has a similar theme with parallel dimensions overlapping one another.

If humans, animals, and plants aren't affected by glitches, what is?

Digimon, and objects that don't think, feel, grow. On the night of the Y2K crash, those things converted to data. Likewise, these objects transported to the islands with a neo tamer are also converted to data (with the exception of phones, thanks to something called 'anti-stasisware').

Things that were once living and turned into food, like a cow into some juicy steaks, will eventually turn into data after a small while. This is similar to produce once it is harvested.

Researchers do not believe that humans turn into data once they have passed.

Will drawings or diary entries of things/happenings off the islands be subject to glitching because there is no data on them?

These types of things are not affected by the glitch, because the data that makes up diaries, sketchbooks and the like, recognizes that these are things used for thoughts and concepts.

What else is there to know about glitches?

There are two types of glitches that affect DC.

Time sensitive (items that glitch because they don't exist in the current year; or reappear because they suddenly exist in the current year) and Non-Time Sensitive (glitches that affect Digimon, or other objects that have existed all through out the entirety of the 90s. For example, crayons have remained mostly the same through the 90s, but may still glitch)

Things that are most important for survival glitch less, while things that are used more for convenience glitch the most.

When glitching, these non-time sensitive things have a probability of the following (listed highest to lowest):

• Glitching and glitching back within a blink of an eye

• Object changing colors (ex: red crayon into green)

• Object changing into a similar thing with the similar function (ex. a crayon into a marker)

• Object changing into a different thing that you would find in the same setting (ex. a crayon into a stack of blocks, as both are found in child's room)

• Rarely, the object may vanish completely or turn into something fairly ridiculous, but never dangerous (ex. a crayon into a pack of bandaids)

There may be exceptions to these, depending on how you want to tell your story.

If you are ever unsure of something, ask a mod.

Objects can also revert back to their original form after glitching.

As for how often these glitches happen to your characters, we will leave that up to you and your story telling.

How likely are my characters to run into dangerous Digimon outside the gates?

This depends on how far away your characters are from the city.

20% within 24h close to the city. (About 3 miles / 5 km range from it) Mostly rookies/champions

60% within 24h at a medium distance. (3 - 12 miles/ 5 - 19 km from DC). More champions, some ultimates. Less rookies, but could happen.

More dangerous there on out, but sufficient data lacking.


Digimon is © Saban, Toei Animation, and Bandai.

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